Live Poker
So I played in my first live tournament, NL Hold 'em. It had re-buys the first two rounds and an add-on before the third round. Not use to that format I folded a couple of big hands because of big bets. The best example is the following:
I was next to the Big Blind and had AKs (round 2 blings 15/30), I raise to 130. One caller then an All-in and an All-in behind him which would actually raise it. Now the first guy to go all-in had gone all-in before with Aces and I called with Kings and I caught a King on the flop to force him to re-buy. He had about 540 in chips and the other guy had about 700-800. I had both covered his all-in scared me out. Had I realized I could re-buy I would have called but instead I folded. They flip their cards over and before the flop comes I had both totally dominated. (SHIT!) So the flop comes with two spades, turn the third spade! (DOUBLE SHIT!!) I beat them both in the imaginary world of if I had only had some balls. I was big chip stack at the table before we got split up, without re-buys or add-ons by the way. I saw no point in buying 1000 more chips when I already had a big stack. Retrospect maybe I should have but it didn't feel right at the time. Anyhow, I got moved as people started dropping and was moved to a bad table. The guys next to me smelled like they just walked out of an alley and a distillery repsectively. Plus the table was a pai gow (or something other than poker table) which I couldn't understand because the casino had plenty of poker tables. I ended up on tilt because of these factors I think and lost a monster pot on a straight draw. I got moved again after that to a much nicer table. But by that point the blinds and antes were starting to eat away at me too much. SO I went all-in with 7s and was called by a guy with AK. Well he caught a K on the turn and I went home after about two hours and 20 minutes. No idea what I placed and it really doesn't matter since I lost but I learned a lot. I think as long as I can take away a new piece of knowledge about the game, I'm just investing into the future. Next time I'll know to call big bets if the re-buy option is there, chances are, I'll win and not have to re-buy. I can be more aggressive, which is how I play anyway. I think I'll go again soon, its a weekly tournament so I'll maybe become a regular in it. Until next time, keep winning, unless you're playing me.
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