You Really Do Compare to B.B. King....
"Me and BB King have a lot in common. I have diabetes, he has diabetes. I play the blues, he plays the blues. He doesn't like to wait for results, I don't like to wait for results." Hmmm, really? You're 12 and white. He is a 60 something black guitar legend. Oh, excuse me, I see the resemblance. You'll have to pardon me I have a tendency to naive and gullible. What is with this commercial? First off, how does BB King come off for a spokes person on anything other than music, old people related items or equal rights? Diabetes? And having him expect fast results will lure diabetics to rush and get the tester they're trying to sell? Not until they can hit all demographics by throwing in the token white kid. Now it all fits and sales go through the roof. I'm not even diabetic, but I'm white, play guitar, enjoy the blues AND I like fast results, so I already ordered a year supply. Now I can test for diabetes in between not having to do crunches any more. And in eight weeks my fat jeans won't even fit.
I hate this commercial. I'm glad you took the time to make fun of it. Because quite frankly, that kid makes me sick to look at. He's filthy and disgusting. Having diabetes doesn't mean he has jack sh2t in common with a legend like BB King. He probably doesn't even know how to play guitar.
Anonymous, at August 10, 2005 at 6:47 AM
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