Be a Winner at Winstar
So I recently had to go to Oklahoma for some top secret stuff that I cannot disclose for fear of people knowing why I was there. Regardless, I finally gathered up the jewels to enter into a casino and play poker. I felt that with Gus's glowing review of said facility and with a partner in crime (my wife), I would be able to sit and play. For some reason I have been really nervous about playing live, I mean I play with friends and stuff, but the thought of really playing was intimidating. It took about 30 minutes to get on a table, $1/2 no-limit. The minimum buy-in was $100 and having read part of Brunson's book I knew I should start with more. I didn't fully take his advice and plop down a grand or so but I did ask for $160 in chips. This way I had some breathing room if I botched a few hands from nerves and it kept me from being low stack. I sat back and gathered intel for about five or six hands. I played one hand fairly cheaply and lost about $5 on a bad bluff on the end (looking back I played the whole hand wrong but I learned). A couple hands later I finally got my feet wet, and lost a monster pot. I had QJ and the button and just limped-in for the big blind after about 6 callers. (too many people in the pot for that hand) The flop left me with top pair with Jacks and a straight draw. Although I bet after it was checked to me, I apparently didn't bet big enough. One man called with a flush draw. I think the turn was a blank, so I bet again and again bet small enough for the other guy to stay in. The river comes the K and gives me the best straight possible (with the available cards). The old man bets $35 and I thought, either he is trying to steal the pot or he has two pair. I waited and as I was calling someone said he caught his flush...... Oh shit. He did. And I lost about $60 or should I say I bought my first lesson on position and the value of raising pre-flop. After that I went back to basics and playing good hard poker. I had already evaluated the table and decided to use that to my advantage. Most everyone was very tight, so I went aggressive. Most of the pots went down to this guy two to my left and me. I used my position on him when I could, played a few odd hands just to keep him and the table guessing and raised a lot. All in all, I played for about 3 and a half hours and walked out with $369. It looks like my reading books and studying the game paid off. It makes me eager to get back to a live game as opposed to internet. I felt as though I got a much better read on my opponents and it felt more natural touching the cards and chips. Oh yeah a note for Gus, Amarillo Slim was there at the table next to mine. He was playing $5/10 no-limit. And there was A LOT of money on that table, the guy next to him left for about 45 minutes and they were about to collect his chips and sit another player and I heard them say that man had $1300 in chips. So I looked at Slim's stack and he had about ten full stacks of the green chips and several more of the red $5 chips, I think the other guy had at most two stacks of green.
That's awesome! Congrats on the win. Playing casino poker combined with your rectal quite possibly does make you a man. When I went to Winstar the 1/2 NL game was crazy, no tight playing that night. I've never actually played NL in a casino, I generally stick to $5/$10 limit. Amarillo Slim must be ripping some peoples shit up there. He had a ton of cash when I saw him too.
gus away from the metroplaza, at August 9, 2005 at 9:01 AM
Hi, seeing as you accept anonymous blogging I thought I would send you this info about online gambling from a guy at work. His blog features poker table top and he has made a fortune from online gambling.
The Online Casino Startup Bonus
When choosing a trustworthy online casino there are many factors you need to consider. Just because one of the great number of online casinos existent today has impressive graphics, games and offers a wide diversity of bonuses, it doesnt mean its a fair and licensed one. Of course, such cases are rare, and, since today there are hundreds of reputable virtual casinos one can choose from, the most important criteria when deciding which one to play at is what they offer.
The first bonus you can get when you first open an account at a casino is the sign up bonus most casinos offer, an encouraging bonus of at least $25, but it may often be higher than $500. Some casinos even match your first deposit, meaning they double it, for free.
Many casinos also offer hundreds of dollars worth bonuses for new players and, if you're the one who brings other friends to the casino, things are even better than that. Most casinos offer a refer a friend bonus and, the more friends you have, the more fortunate you will get. For each friend you refer to the casino, you will get up to $1000, for each friend that they refer, you'll earn up to $300 and, furthermore, for each person that your friend's friends refer, you will earn up to $100. Once you are confident that particular casino is a reliable one, bring as many of your friends as you can to the casino and you'll have all the reasons to enjoy their games. The only thing you need to pay attention to afterwards is to handle the money wisely and not risk it all in a single bet, however confident you may be.
And most casinos give you an alternative to this. They offer you the chance to practice for free at first, and they also give you money to do that, so, it's practically free and you have nothing to lose. When you find the right casino you'll know it from the first time you play there. From then on, they will remind you how important you are to them by giving you special bonuses every month. These bonuses are somewhere around $100 and even higher and they reward you for being a loyal customer. These casinos also offer the so called comp points that accumulate throughout the course of the games you play and at certain points they turn into real money and, depending how long you have been playing at that casino, you may win lots of money.
The most important bonuses casinos offer are the jackpots and prizes you can win at their games. Casinos reward players with millions of dollars each day for their gaming skills. Tournaments and regular casino games are most profitable for gamblers. Only one progressive jackpot, for one single game of slots, for instance, can be of over $ 2 million. And it's only a matter of seconds and a bit of luck to win it.
Most casinos don't need a special occasion to give bonuses. They offer bonuses for the players third and fourth deposits, for being loyal to the casino, or just for being at a table at a certain time. So, it’s only a matter of finding the right casino and from there on, bonuses will keep coming to you. The only problem is that if you don't have a proper money management you won't treasure what you win, it will go away as easily as it came. We may all want those bonuses, but do we know what to do with them and how much of it we should risk in our next bet?
A guy at work recommends the following Casino Gaming Sites, (the trick is to sign up to each and get your startup bonuses) once you have played each one for a while you will get to know which one suits your style of play and which is therefore the most profitable one for you.
as follows:
Anonymous, at March 7, 2007 at 2:24 AM
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