3X Clean, 3X Awesome!!!
3X Clean Guaranteed. This is what my Old Spice body wash says on the outside. Yes, I use body wash and I use one of those scrunchy things. It is nicer than using a community bar of soap with pubes on it. Anyway, what does it mean 3X clean? Does it mean it gets you three times cleaner than normal soap? If so, does that mean normal soap really doesn't get you that clean? Or does it mean you are extra clean, like 3X clean when you're done? Would I have to take three showers with normal soap to get this clean or is it on a sliding scale? Can I brag to my friends that I am three times cleaner than they? Does this mean I only need to shower every three days? What if I get 3X dirty? Do I need to shower three times with my 3X clean soap to achieve the 3X clean sensation? Should I write the people at Old Spice and ask them what 3X Clean guaranteed means? Do I need to do a study to see if I actually achieve the 3X clean level in say a double blind experiment? And upon those results contact Old Spice and receive my guarantee. Wait, what is the guarantee? Is it a money back guarantee? I just don't understand what it means to be 3X clean, but I will say I smell good after a shower.
The scrunchy thing is called a "loofah". My metrosexual boyfriend told me so!
Unknown, at August 1, 2005 at 8:23 PM
That's right it's a loofah!
gus away from the metroplaza, at August 2, 2005 at 2:39 PM
Loofah, I got it now. I think I may have known that. Am I a metrosexual if my wife plucks my eyebrows? Oh, and use a "loofah".
Razz Master, at August 2, 2005 at 3:03 PM
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