Change in Heart
With the new year and a recent birthday, I've done some soul searching and thinking about life. My fiancee bought the Molo Sessions for Christmas for me and it just arrived. The Molo Sessions are recordings of a South African choir with Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. Stone Gossard, also of Pearl Jam, lent Eddie and the choir studio time to make these beautiful recordings. There are three PJ songs and eleven African songs. Though I don't understand the words or what they are singing about, it doesn't matter. The emotion and love shines through the acapella harmonies. But what really got me thinking was the liner notes. Children in Africa can't go to school because they can't afford it. They, the African government, allot a larger percentage of funds towards education than the US, yet, children are still deprived of any education much less a decent one. Years of racism and apartheid are to blame for these conditions. My fiancee went to Africa last year for two weeks on a mission trip and has more horror stories than one would ever wish to hear. Eight month old babies being raped so the man can rid himself of disease. Shocking, but when education is not present ancient rituals and myths become fact. See they believe sex with a virgin will get rid of ailments. Africa leads the world in AIDS, not because they are gay or screw monkeys, but because they don't know any better. The interesting thing is for every "bad" story Ash has, she has one of hope and promise. This got me thinking about my life and things I have. I make more in a day than most Africans make in a year. I have an apartment with running water and electricity. I have food whenever I want it and pretty much whatever type of food, too. I bought sandwiches this weekend and mine had "horsey" sauce on it and I thought "how dare they" and wiped it off. Really? How dare me. Zulu and Tootoo had to eat millipedes and drink from a dirty parasite infested river and I'm bitching about "horsey" sauce. Oh poor me.
Anyway, I'm fortunate. We all are actually (Those of us that don't live in a third world country, but if you do, most likely you're not reading this). I know I can't change the world and that the world isn't always fair. But I can be more grateful for the things I have. I can sponsor a child or donate time or money to efforts either here or Africa or India or DerkaDerkastan. And I can put this post up and maybe inspire someone to do the same. Like one of the songs says..... I know it's already been sung,... Can't be said enough.Love is all you need,.. all you need is love,..Love,.. love,...Love.
For those of you that frequent my site, thank you. Most of what I've posted in the past was crap and juvenile. I want more purpose in life and hopefully through this blog I can make that happen. The internet is a powerful tool and if I use it for good or awesome I might make a difference, however small it may be. Thanks again. Peace.
I am touching myself in the no-no region.
Anonymous, at January 31, 2005 at 1:36 PM
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