Happy Days..... Ehhhhh.
So my work has what is refered to as an RDO, or Regular Day Off, if you work nines Monday thru Thursday and then one Friday eight, the other being your RDO. For the past few pay periods I have either worked all eights or taken my RDO on a different day for whatever reason. Well, it dawns on me today that I have an RDO for this pay period so I have tomorrow off! Yay, for me! I know, you could care less, but it's cool for me. You may not know this but I procrastinate a little, so when my CD player in my car decided to quit ejecting CDs, I put it off. Do you see where this is going? That's right, I'm going to take my car in tomorrow. I also need some work done on my bass guitar. In a previous habitat, it became exposed to water, thereby rusting some of the pickups and parts of the bridge. This makes for unpleasant sounds.
On that front, I have picked a handful of songs to learn and get down pat in order to do some recording. I met this dude at work that has a home studio and has me stoked on laying down some tracks. For now I'm going to use my multi-track recorder, then I'll ask that dude if I can record at his pad. When I get my new place, I'm going to get a G5 which will enable me to record at home. For now, I think I'll do covers until I get the recording process down then move into my songs. Practice starts tomorrow in between having my car and bass examined, playing pick-up hockey at 1pm, and going to a hockey game that night. Some may read that and think I live an action packed crazy life style. Then again, if you're reading this then you probably know me and will know otherwise.
I like your multi-track recorder. What is the storage like on that bad boy? What is the capacity?
Jim B, at December 30, 2004 at 7:47 AM
It comes with 128, which is ok if you're wanting to record some riffs and maybe a rythym track. I recorded a bass, acoustic rythym, electric rythym and a lead and it was coming close to capacity for a four minute jam. They have a 512 card to put in it which I think I'm getting for my b-day. I like that it's digital though, because I can link it to a pc and upload song files and do post mixing if I had software. And I think it also has the capability of downloading drum tracks to make your jamming more fun and exciting.
Razz Master, at December 30, 2004 at 12:45 PM
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