Me vs. Myself

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I feel gay blowing this fag....

Well, it's been a while. Sorry, I'm lazy. No (well actually I am) I think it's more the fact I've wanted to bump up the quality of my blog and put fewer "What the....?" posts. No that doesn't mean I won't have the occasional pull my finger post, just not as many.

So on to the title of this post. In the 60's that would mean "Ahhhh, smoking this cigarette makes me feel happy". These days, well I think you can figure that out. Let me start by saying I am not a homophobe or queer basher or whatever the cool and fashionable title is these days. I don't believe it's right and not just because of my spiritual beliefs, but I am not going to judge someone based only on with whom they prefer to sleep. However, recently I have heard things on the radio or tv or in public that have make me think about the whole "gay" thing.

Gay Rights. What does this mean? Until someone knows you're gay, you have every right listed in the Constitution that everyone else has, and even then you still have those rights. Okay, so what about gay marriages? Well, gay people can get married, just not to each other. But let's think about this for a second. What is marriage and where did it come from? I'm pretty sure no matter what religious source you query, you will find it is a bond between man and women. Some tribes use this as a means of expanding their land, wealth, or prestige. Some people get married to have kids and start a family. But no matter where you look it is man and woman. Not that I really give a rip, but gays shouldn't be allowed to be "married", at least not using that term. They can have a court recognized life partnership, but the use of the term marriage takes away from the sanctity of it.

The reason I harp on marriage is because that is basically the only "right" that gays don't have that "normal" people do. I was driving to work and I happened to flip on this talk radio channel which I later learn is the "gay" channel. Anyway, they were babbling on about how unjust it was that a woman preacher was demoted after coming out to her congregation. Now as a person of the robe she should know, from a Biblical standpoint she is going against God and therefore shouldn't be in front of the church giving a sermon. Sure she probably is a great preacher but it shouldn't be a shock that she gets demoted. Of course her licking carpet isn't near as bad as a Priest poking some 8 year old boy in the confession booth.

Anyway, I'm not here trying to pass judgment or ridicule gay people. It's not for me but neither is watching the Bachelor, which is also a gay activity. Yeah this is a random topic and I'm not real sure what made me think of it and subsequently write this much about it. If you're gay and you happen to read this, I meant no offense and constructive input is welcome. If you're not gay and you happen to read this, I hope you are offended and no input is welcome.


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