For those of you that frequent my blog you've come to see that I am sarcastic and sophmoric at times and generally write about useless things. But I feel as though this entry is different. I love music. I find it essential to everyday life and the key to our emotional locks. Our mood can be completely changed by a song and/or futher enhanced. It can deepen your passion for life, love, or any number of other things. I've noticed recently - the past few times at church - people diving into the music and letting go of inhabitions. You can almost see the music flow in and out of them. Which got me thinking about the subject of being physically and emotionally moved by the power of song. I hear the music at church (by the way I go to a contemporary church and it's not your typical "church" music) and it can get my foot tapping and I think the words are meaniful and all, but it doesn't move me to tears or give me goosebumps nor do I feel it with the passion I see with some of these people. It's not that I don't get it, I just think it may impact me differently.
That said there is music that can make me feel.... well, for lack of a powerful enough word, awesome. It captivates me in a way that I drift off to what seems like another dimension. I don't know if it's the lyrical content, the music or both. If I were to guess I would say both. I have seen Pearl Jam live twice and both times I was so moved I got goosebumps. The first time I saw them they played Black, my all time favorite song EVER, and I started crying and the hair on my neck stood up. Yes, I was that moved. The same emotions were brought about when they began to play Indifference with the sun setting behind the stage at South Park Meadows in Austin. I can listen to the CD and get the same feeling. Almost every song they have written I can connect to or relate to somehow.
So I know not everyone likes Pearl Jam or Christian music or Hip-Hop, but we all have our own taste, whether it be music, art, TV shows, whatever. I admit I'm often quick to laugh at someones taste but I need to think about my passion for my music and respect that they may feel the same way about whatever it is they like. Although, it is acceptable to laugh at people who like no talent trash like Britney or Yanni or John Tess or .......
Good to see you getting some content on here. Your blog had taken a serious turn for the weird with the three "deep" poems. I had missed a few of your posts because your feed didn't surive my transition from SharpReader to RssBandit, a much better aggregator.
Also, a few of your links in the spinner post are broken.
One other thing, you suck for beating me in fantasy football last week. Sphinctors == bad, Suffocators == good.
Jim B, at November 23, 2004 at 3:08 PM
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