They Spinnin', They Spinnin'
I meant to put this post up the other day but I got side-tracked. Also, I figured after three very deep and introspective poems, a post with some content might be in order. Notice I didn't specify the type or quality of content so don't get too excited.
Ok, so about two or so weeks ago I hear an advertisement on the radio that made me smile with the comfort that I could die a peaceful man for I had officially heard it all. Before I divulge the contents of said advertisement I must give some background. Where I was born and raised and lived a great majority of my life, trucks are as they say in Cali, the shizzle. If you ain't got a truck you ain't got nothing. (three negatives in one sentence..... wow) And they can't be a Toyota or Nissan, they have to be Chevy or Ford and maybe Dodge. Gunrack optional, but the Calvin peeing on the opposite company logo and the number of your favorite Nascar driver stickers are required. Anyway, a well known ad is Toby Keith with an American Flag guitar singing "I'm a Ford truck man." For those not from the intellectual mecca of Oklahoma, Toby Keith is part of the Oklahoman Holy Trinity, Jesus, Bob Stoops, and Toby Keith.
So I move to Cali and I'm rollin' in my G-Ride, when I hear an ad for a car dealership on one of the Hip-Hop stations. Who is doing the ad you might ask? None other than the Doggfather himself, Snoop Dizzle Rizzle fo shizzle my nizzle. I found it entertaining to go from the annoying TK to Snoop Dogg. But that's not where the fun stops. I know you can't stand the suspense.
So the ad I'm about to tell you about is 100% legit, not made up and completely true. I'm creative but I don't think I could make this, and the follow up story, up. Warren G, the original 213 Regulator, was the voice for LeRoy Brown's Wheels and Tires. (name changed to protect the innocent, actually I forgot the real name but this is close) Now a store to get wheels and tires you say, nothing unusual about that. AH HA! Got you! This wheel and tire store is rental only baby. That's right, come down to LeRoy Brown's to rent your 23" rims, spinners, low profile tires and more. Yes you heard me correctly, RENT YOUR SPINNERS!!! Who the heck came up with that? Then about a week later I see a stretch Expedition Limo, not uncommon out here in the LA area, but this one had spinners. THEN, this Wednesday, I'm driving to work and I see a white Chevy truck with 888-505-TIRE and decals all over it. Oh yeah, it had spinners too. They spinnin', they spinnin'.
Two posts in one day?
You must be really, really busy at work.
charr, at November 19, 2004 at 2:30 PM
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