Political Propaganda
So I generally stay away from the topic of politics. I don't watch or read enough news to be informed enough to make valid and educational points, which is quite opposite for a majority of America. Most people argue from an emotional standpoint or from what someone else told them. Either way it results in me having an aneurysm from the complete lack of ability in creating an original, logical and meaningful point. I admit my ignorance when it comes to politics and therefore I tend to not discuss politics that often. I also have had a distaste for Michael Moore, not because he bashes Bush, but because he seems to be an egotistical jackass that just wants attention. However, I decided this weekend to rent Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. I thought for sure I would hate both and end up hating Michael Moore moore. Although both were very slanted towards a moore liberal way of thinking (which I am not opposed since I think very liberally) and mildly propagandic, I enjoyed both films. Some parts were slow and I wondered if the point was ever going to come out, but with some patience they eventually did.
BFC... I liked that he challenges and calls out Moses, Lockheed Martin, and KMart. And only KMart took action and accepted some sort of blame. Mr. Heston, when challenged stumbled along and made no sense and then walked away from Moore. I may not agree with all the points made in the movie and it never really defines a clear cut answer to violence problem, but it does provoke thought. It makes you evaluate your beliefs and views on the issue and maybe gets you to be a little moore open to new ideas, either your own or other peoples.
F911... Conspiracy Theory II without Mel Gibson? Or the ultra talented Julia Roberts? He did get Britney Spears though, so that made up for it. Again Moore asks the tough questions and gets no answers. Actually, he does get answers by the reactions of the challenged. I don't believe that the war in Iraq was about terror or liberation of the Iraqi people. I, like Moore, believe it was about oil, but he may take the whole conspiracy thing a bit further than I would. Or maybe he just confirms my theory moore, I haven't decided yet. As politically skewed towards Bush hating as this movie is, I think he does a great job of getting you to think.
Alright, I am off my political kick. Go vote, only if you're educated. I'm not voting this year because I don't know enough. And voting for Kerry just to get Bush out of office is not a good enough reason. Actually it is, but I would rather make a moore educated vote.
Buck Fush.
Anonymous, at October 26, 2004 at 5:14 PM
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