Wicked Sceptre
If you ever feel down about life or yourself, go to Atlanta, Georgia. I had to go on a trip to Atlanta this week and the place where we had to give our presentation was next to Atlanta Motor Speedway. Mind you my line of work has absolutely nothing to do with Nascar or any of its affiliates. So this weekend thems folks is gunna has some racin'. It's Thursday morning and there are already thousands of RV's parked and ready to tailgate. The races start SATURDAY! Ok, so these people are passionate about really loud cars driving in a circle for four hours. Now to the good stuff. 'Merican flag, Earnhart flag, Junior flag and of course the rebel flag. (substitute your favorite race car driver for the Junior flag, Earnhart stays cuz he's a national hero) Every single RV had this flag arrangement, along with lawn chairs, coolers and a banner of their favorite drive on the side of their RV. Now I don't claim to be a fan of being PC nor am I PC that often. But, the rebel flag, are you serious? The war was over how long ago? Slavery was abolished how long ago? Racism should have ended how long ago? YEEEE HAAAA, South is gonna rise again! I have an idea, instead of watching other rednecks drive in circles, read a book. Maybe a history book or a grammar book or a "Hooked On Phonics" book. Anything to stop the dumbing down of 'Merica. And when were cut off jeans shorts poplular? For guys? Couple that with sleeveless Nascar shirt, trucker hat, fumanchu, mullet and white socks with penny loafers. I can't make this shit up folks, I saw this with my own eyes! I'm not saying I'm a fashion guru or saying every Nascar fan is an inbred, sister lovin', truck drivin', uneducated hill billy that believes in owning multiple guns (because its their Constitutional right) and the war on terror. Which by the way, are we winning that one? I liken it to this, when a tornado blows through a town, who gets interviewed? Not the upper-class, educated Lexus driver. No, it's the redneck whose trailer home just got blownt away and he ain't got no place for him and his sister and their eight kids to sleep, because Momma's trailer got blownt away too since it was next door. So then people that watch the news think only rednecks live in that town when that might not be the case. Now I realize I sound like an elitist a-hole, but if I can't voice my opinion... "The terrorists win."
I'll pay you a dollar to change the spelling of 'Septor' to 'Scepter' or 'Sceptre'. That's right- one dollar.
Anonymous, at October 29, 2004 at 12:00 PM
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