Me vs. Myself

Friday, July 29, 2005

Am I a Man Now?

Um, I know I had a different topic lined up but it will have to wait. I went for a physical today, a) because it's been a while and b) my wife is a nurse and wanted me to get a full workup. So the guys at the office joked about the old disappearing finger routine, which I dismissed as them trying to make me nervous. That was until I heard the doctor say the phrase I never want or wanted to hear, "Now lay on your left side so I can do a rectal exam.... *POP* (the glove)". Uh, yea, not the best way to start (or end for that matter) your day. No it's not because I'm a homophobe nor do I think that makes me gay, it is the simple matter that it is designed to flow in one direction and that was clearly violated today. Not to mention he didn't have the common courtesy to remove any excess gel. Now excuse me while I go shower for the next three hours and cry.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Quick update post

So I realize it's been a day or a bunch since my last post. I had some topics but always seem to have the right amount of time for them. Or maybe I'm just making excuses for my inability to not be lazy. Is that a double negative? Hmm. Anywho, I opened an account on PartyPoker and I've noticed people play better when there is money involved. Shocking huh. My wife isn't super thrilled with the whole idea so I have started with a small amount of money and have mainly entered 5 or 10 dollar 2 or 3 table tournaments. (By the way, we've made it three months!!!) So I've won a little and lost a little more so I'm just below even money so far. I'm reading Brunson's book and that has really improved my game a lot. But it's truly shocking how different real money vs play money is. It's almost like talking to a guy from Yale as opposed to Corky from Life Goes On. I think one of my biggest adjustments in playing for real money is calling people's "bluffs". Play money it's a bluff (most of the time), real money, not so much. Bad calls and the fact I never fold at the right time. But I think knowing this will make me stronger. If I didn't know and kept doing it, well I would be stupid. So that's an update more or less. I just passed three months of marriage, changed to real money poker, and finally scheduled an appointment for a physical so the doctor can say, "Yep you need to drop about 20 lbs". I think my next post will be about Californians vs Okies when it comes to laziness in the work place.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy B-day

Hip hip hooray, it's fourth of July. So anyway, I've been playing poker for free on ESPN for two reasons. One, it's free practice. Two, they have wonderful promotions on there where you (hopefully me) can win a seat at the USPC at the Taj. Now I know this is a lofty goal, but I feel as though if I don't try, I'll never know. Last week I won a 90 person tournament to qualify for the Sunday tournament. The top fifty each week for seven weeks gets to go to the final tournament where the winner gets their $10K buy-in to the USPC paid for along with lodging and such. So I get on Sunday and I completely freeze up. I don't know why, I've also been playing mutli-tables non-stop on pokerstars and have been doing very well. So I don't know why I went into ultra ultra conservative mode. Any and every time someone raised, even if only the minimum, I would fold. Even when I knew I had the nuts. So then I go into panic mode and bam, I'm out. It was however a great learning experience. I learned that just because there might be something on the line, doesn't mean I need to wimp out. I plan on qualifying again and this time I plan on breaking the top 50. On the topic of poker stars, I have been playing lights out. 18/27/45 people tourneys where 4th/5th/7th finish in the money, out of 15 or so tourneys, I've finished in the money 12 times. And not just limping in, I mean good smart semi-aggressive poker. I feel like a few more things and my game will start to come together very nicely. Alright kids, quit reading this and go blow off some fingers.