Me and G-Dub
"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again." ~ Bush
That about sums up how I felt last night. A work buddy is in town and we went with another co-worker to the Bike last night for a tournament. Surprisingly only 16 people showed and most of those 16 were pretty weak. I was doing well and when they condensed it down to the "final table" of 9, I was third in chips. This new guy at the table had been busting people at the other table with J4 offsuit against Aces and stuff like that so he more or less lucked into his chips. The other big stack was at my original table and he had skill. Deja Vu time, I pick up QQ in the small blind, new guy enters the pot, 2nd in chips raises, I like a dumbass move in with my Qs, new guy folds, 2nd in chips calls, KK vs QQ, I'm out. Just like that. Possibly the weakest field I'll ever see and I'm out. I stayed and watched because of my co-workers and they both did well. Neither finished in the money but one came close and gave the others a run for their money. I never explained my demise in the CSPC but it was extremely similar to this hand, small blind QQ, new guy raises, cutoff reraises, I move in, instant call, AA vs QQ, I lose half my stack and then things went south from there. So the moral of all of this. Don't overplay Queens. Or any hand for that matter. Why risk so many chips for such a relatively small pot AND why risk so much so early. I guess I was over eager to acquire chips but even a rookie knows better. Aside fplayinginng queens wrong, my game is stronger than ever. I feel some great things coming on and can't wait to get back on the felt. One last thing about playing the queens hands, both times I was in Seat #1 at Table #1. Yuck.
So Bush really IS a mouthpiece for the American public? Oy Gevalt!
Unknown, at October 11, 2006 at 3:13 PM
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