Me vs. Myself

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So this morning I was taking care of business (#2), and was thinking of some ideas for a post. I had a few but didn't write them down so now I just have snippits of what I think I might have said. Not really good enough for the extremely high standards I put on my self for this most excellent blog. Ok, maybe it is good enough but I digress.

So I can't remember what I would have posted, oops new thought, how about a Tribute to the Greatest Post in the World! This isn't it nor is it anything like the "Greatest Post in the World!" Nah, that idea was already taken by The D, but with song. Well, back to my other random thought as I had semi-originally tried to start. Why do we always come up with our best ideas on the can? Is it because we push hard (sometimes) forcing blood to our head, thus giving our brain more oxygen or brain food? Is it because what we're doing can be quite foul and we try to think random thoughts to keep from thinking about poo or the awful smell? Or is it because we're bored? Or, and I think this is probably it, the toilet has mystical powers and allows our brains to communicate with aliens from other planets without our knowledge and we just think we came up with great things like the flux capacitor and such. Or maybe this post should be flushed down the toilet. Hey, no one said this would be a good post. The point is I'm posting. More frequently than normal. Get off my back already for forgetting the good ones. (now sobbing)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Comments, comments, comments.

So I realized yesterday that I haven't posted in a while. This is not from a lack of (what ever the verb is for looking at other peoples' blogs, is that blogging? Blooking? Looging?). I have been frequenting the oh so funny and entertaining PlatKat , the girlfriend of a friend of a friend of mine, this Phony guy , and this very offensive shock blogger Earl . Interesting how the name Earl coincides with the new TV Show My Name is Earl, which I happened to watch the other night. Although it was somewhat predictable and cheesy, it was way better than "reality TV".

Side note: As much as I don't like "reality TV", I found myself engulfed in The Biggest Loser and some other show the other night until my wife called me out on it. I put myself in timeout for five minutes and then felt pure again.

So back to the blooking/looging thing. Maybe I've been lazy in my creativity and have used other peoples' (is it s apostrophie or apostrophie s?) blogs as an idea giver. This sucks because I am creative and if I comment on someones blog and they return to mine, all they see is the same damn poker post from a month ago. So I will try to post daily or bi-daily or possibly tri-daily or maybe I'll just try daily to post. Until tomorrow, drop it like its hot. (whatever that means)