Me vs. Myself

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Am I Retarded?

So, Am I retarded? That is the question of the hour (or as my peeps say. teh hour). Yeah, thats right mother fuqers, I said "my peeps". That includes cahcah, kat, and gus. Those are the only three people that I can think of that actually read this piece o' crap blog. Anywho, I won tonight poker tournament. That is I won the first go round then I lost the second go round. I still came out ahead, but needless to say I won. I won a tournament. Shouldn't I be able to beat better players if I can beat "maniacs"? Yeah well, I suck against "real" playaz. This is me and I'm out!

P.S. Don't mind this, I'm drunk!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I apologize for going off about bad poker hands. It is a part of the game and in a given amount of time one will receive as many as they give. The object is to play hands such that you receive less, but sometimes no matter what you do (besides fold or not play) it doesn't work in your favor. I love poker and will continue to play. I will try to refrain from griping about bad hands in the future so I won't sound like a big fat cry baby. On an up note, I won my first tourney the other night, single table, but still. It beats the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place finishes in single and mutli-table play. As Mike Sexton would say, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters. (whatever Mike)

I Hate Poker

Do I really or is this just some sort of frustrating release? KQ of diamonds, raise pre-flop, several callers. Flop Ks Jd 3d. Top pair with a flush draw and good kicker. Bet the pot two callers. ???? Next card 3c. Bet pot again. One caller. River 5d. Bet big, get re-raised? Call, the guy has 3 5 offsuit! Are you kidding me? Then again with the Kings similar and the guy has K 3 and while I have A K. King comes, large bet showdown full mother trucker house KINGS AND THREES!!!!! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?! I know poker comes with bad beats but seriously, going in with the better hand, betting strong enough to move people out and nothing but a big fat turd. Did I mention I hate poker?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Work Efficiency

Boys and girls gather round for another wacky and wild post. Okay, maybe not wacky and probably not that wild but it is a post and that is what I promised. I've actually been wanting to talk about this for some time but I got busy blogging about poker and poker.

So we all slack off at various times throughout the work day, admit it you do it too. It helps us from going insane from staring at a computer screen all day or putting buttons on Levi's (if you work in a sweat shop). But I have noticed something about this "slack off" time, Californians are way more efficient at not being busy with work. Example, in Oklahoma, there is a person that takes the daily crossword and makes copies of it with the company copier and distributes this crossword to a large group of people. These people spend part of their morning doing this crossword and then work on it throughout the day. I have even heard conversations about what 3-down is, "five letters second one is 'g'". So not only do these people use company time to do the crossword, they also use company resources. Now I have to admit I was part of the group when I first started and had not a lot to do. But this group, you can't get out of it. Its like a gang, without the getting jumped in thing. One day I cleaned my desk and I had about a hundred blank crossword puzzles.

The actual "break room" was co-located with the outdoor smoking lounge, thus whenever I went to get a Coke I saw the smokers outside. Many of which also subscribe to the daily crossword. So now these people are wasting company time by smoking. I'm not trying to be holier than thou, because I have slow days where I waste company time too. I'm merely stating that these people are now up to two non work related activities while at work. And its not as if they have one cancer stick a day, you can set your watch by these people, every hour on the hour. Some even every thirty minutes.

Then (here is where I fall victim to slacking off) there are the talkers. Amazingly enough, a lot of the crossword crew and the smoke section make up the busy bees. So all told you have 5-10 minutes dedicated to smoking, 5-10 on crossword and 10-15 on a conversation. At a minimum we're talking 20 minutes out of an hour of not working, or roughly 2 hours in an 8 hour work day (25%). At a max 35 minutes or 4 hours and 40 minutes a day (58%). These numbers may be too much but it all leads to this...

I get to California and here is how they do it. They have 1, ONE, paper in the smokers area and they as a group smoke and work on the crossword and talk. Yeah, that's right. All three at one time. I have no data on how much time they spend due to the setup here, but I was impressed at their efficiency in not being efficient. The irony, I wasted 15 minutes of work time writing this post, and you just wasted 10 minutes of your company's time reading this. Oh me.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

What is a Blog Daddy?

Ok kids, I know it's been a while so tomorrow I promise a new post. I was just checking out others and realized I haven't updated in a while. Sorry... to all three of my loyal readers.